COVID-19 Spiritual Practices
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Children’s Ministry
Purpose Statement: Our Children’s Ministry
Children get the experience of learning how to encounter Christ through contact with the loving and caring people at First Presbyterian Church. Pastor Beau or another staff member speaks and prays with the children during Sunday morning worship at Children’s Time as services begin. Then there’s a curriculum based Children’s Church which is held during the 2nd half of the service led by staff and lay leaders who guide the lessons each and every Sunday.
Here are some of the many other activities we have in store for your child:
- Summer Kid’s Camp for a week in June (Resumes summer of 2022)
- A quiet and clean Nursery for the littlest ones
- All adult volunteers, nursery workers, and staff are carefully trained and screened both for regular activities and special events
- We get lots of kids to sign up for Sonlight Christian Camp in Pagosa Springs each summer. We provide partial scholarships for the families of our young people who wish to apply
- During the holidays we create a wonderfully uplifting Children’s Pageant and enjoy hosting a Palm Sunday parade as Easter approaches
- Well-loved and established events have become some of our favorite traditions, from Light Up the Night at Halloween to Activities for Families during Snowdown weekend
- Volunteers are always needed so please contact the Church Office for more information
Youth Ministry
Purpose Statement: Our Youth Ministry
If you think Youth Ministry is just about game nights and pizza meals, the Red Door youth program at FPC offers much more: a ministry to pre-teens and teens (ages 10-17) that makes kids think and helps to grow young people on their journey to adulthood. Sure, there’s an emphasis on fun, games, and exciting outings. But our program, which is professionally staffed, is designed to assist young people to ask valuable questions about life, faith, and relationships. You know, the BIG QUESTIONS!
Our youth ministry’s overall goal:
To intentionally work with today’s youth to instill vibrant and long-lasting HOPE for their futures.
Our Red Door Youth Program:
- Meets weekly on Mondays from 6:00pm to 7:30pm in an area of the church that’s exclusively for teens or outside on the lawn
- Offers nutritious meals made by parishioners each week
- Is staffed by well-screened and skilled youth workers who are available to parents AND youth during the week and in emergencies
- Is open to community youth beyond our congregation
We are in the middle of hiring a new program director. In the meantime please contact the Church Office or our current leadership team
- Beau Smith, pastor
- Kristin Smith
for more information.

Music Ministry
Purpose Statement: Our Music Ministry
Our program strives to praise God with inspirational and uplifting music. We are professionally staffed by three highly trained musicians:
- Tom Kyser, Director of Music
- Robin Goldman, Organ and Piano
- Melody Postoak: Music Intern from Ft. Lewis College and Director of the Bell Choir
Our Program:
- Brings Voices Together weekly at Adult Choir rehearsal on Thursday evenings and re-assembles on Sunday mornings for Morning Worship
- Through the choir, enlivens our services with heartfelt voices and soul-filled songs as they lead worship on Sunday mornings
- Performs at least two Cantatas every year: at Christmas and at Easter
- Includes two Specialty Choirs which practice throughout the year
- The Bell Choir
- The Praise Choir
- Always seeks new members from the congregation AND the community to join the solid core of dedicated regular ringers and singers
For any questions please contact the Church Office or reach out directly to our leadership team:
- Tom Kyser, Adult Choir and overall program director
- Melody Postoak, Bell Ringer coordinator and director of the Bell Choir
- Robin Goldman, Accompanist
for more information

Groups for Fellowship and Outreach
Purpose Statement: Outreach and Fellowship
Being together for regular or occasional gatherings is a ministry of belonging and hospitality as well as a great time to grow in the Spirit as the Body of Christ. A sample of a few of the activities we sponsor are below:
- Weekly Adult Sunday School before worship as well as ongoing bible study groups in our building and in people’s homes
- Fellowship Hour after worship with coffee and yummy, nutritious treats
- Annual events like the Women’s Retreat and the All-Church Picnic in Rotary Park
- Our unique Better Together Sundays, when, four times a year we suspend morning worship in exchange for projects where we invite friends and neighbors to come along with us for an extended morning of service to and with the wider community
- POP’s (Presbyterian Outdoor Pursuits) hikes and outings in our glorious natural surroundings!
- Saturday morning Men’s Breakfasts, the Easter Brunch, and hosting the entire Presbytery for a day of Officer Training
- And MORE
For any questions please check out our Calendar of Events or contact the Church Office

Ministries of Caring and Service
Purpose Statement: Board of Deacons and Team Mission
Serving God through ministries of Mission and Care is an act of humility as we become the hands and feet of Christ.
- Through the Board of Deacons, our church offers emergency aid and personalized member care with programs that take place quietly and confidentially behind the scenes
- In the Partnership with the Newcomb Assembly of God Church in Navajoland we particiate in the distribution of food and necessities as well as provide labor and materials for construction and maintenance projects in the area. The VBS curriculum and helpers for summer VBS in Newcomb are essential aspects of this work. And don’t forget our joint Christmas Party and Easter events which help to keep everyone engaged. Each year when these things happen we discover again and again how grateful we are to have found each other for over a decade
- Serving at Manna Soup Kitchen and hosting monthly food drives for the Durango Food Bank are among the many activities which connect our congregation to our neighbors in tangible and immediate ways
- And MORE
For any questions please contact the Church Office